Sacred Pause


Full of cheer.

And to do’s.

And holiday parties and lights and cookies.


After 20 calendar year end giving deadlines, I have learned many things about closing your year well. It is, by all metrics, the biggest giving season of the year. And that is amazing!

By now, you have most likely sent your final appeal for the year (or are JUST about to) and plotted out your e-campaigns for December. Gifts to donors and friends are ordered. Holiday parties, planed. Office secret Santas chosen.

The hustle and bustle will continue until about Friday the 14th with some dribs and drabs of to do’s coming in the week of the 17th. And unless you process gifts, your last critical meeting of the year will soon be over.

Even in all that, I encourage you to take a Sacred Pause. My imaginary friend, Danielle LaPorte, shared that term in her Firestarter Session facilitator training and it stuck with me. I love the idea of taking a deliberate moment in time.

Whatever that means for you, as you close out your calendar year, take it.

Send a note to an old colleague or friend. Practice a random act of kindness. Attend a worship service in the middle of the day. Go for a walk and admire holiday decorations. Clean off your desk and celebrate your successes from this year.

Whatever you do – stop and really do it. Don’t add it to your to do list in haste just to cross it off.

What we do in this field is important. No matter what role you play or who you are working for, in the nonprofit world we do work that makes the world better.

And that is something to pause and celebrate.

Wishing you tidings of great joy.

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