A couple of months ago one of my dearest friends shared that she had gotten an agent for her book. We were slated to walk that day so on my way over, I popped into Harris Teeter to pick up some flowers to celebrate her amazing accomplishment.
I got to the flower section to peruse something lovely and celebratory – perhaps some lovely gerbera daisies or hydrangeas. And then I saw it – a GIANT UNICORN BALLOON.
All plans for restraint and maturity scuttled, I headed to the check out line with a balloon almost the size of me. As I waited in line, scrolling Instagram, I came across a post my sister sent me – a woman wondering what it would be like to be nonchalant and declaring herself extra chalant as a video montage of her shenanigans played. I looked up at the balloon in my hand and thought, I get that.
I shoved the giant balloon into my beloved Elsa the Mini Cooper and laughed the entire way to her house. As I burst from my car, balloon in hand, she laughed right along with me.
The moral of this story for me, is find people who love you. Who fully appreciate you driving up to their immaculate home with a giant ballon.
Who know you well enough to send you things that resonate with your brand of goofy.
Who see you. All of you. And think you are just the best, just as you are.